
6 Ways to Boost Sales with a CRM Solution

Sales are the lifeblood of a business; you can’t afford to let qualified sales slip through your fingers. Here’s where a CRM (customer relationship management) tool can pump life into your sales. A CRM solution provides best strategies for success by tracking every interaction with your customers and automating tasks. This includes tracing a buyer’s journey from interest in your product to purchasing it.

Here are six ways to boost your sales with a CRM solution:

1. Capturing valuable client data

Following up on a lead is essential, but what happens if the data that’s captured is incorrect, incomplete or unavailable? Providing your sales staff with a CRM tool allows them to capture client information seamlessly with an automated system. This way your data integrity is maintained. This information is then stored on one system so emails and calls can be made without having to transfer to other communication channels. A CRM solution provides you with a comprehensive view of each customer’s data, and every interaction with your business.

2. Converting qualified leads into sales

Chasing a lead that doesn’t convert to a sale is a waste of resources when the efforts of your sales team could be better spent elsewhere. A CRM system enables your sales team to chase qualified leads, giving them instant access to information about potential customers who have expressed interest and with whom there is a real chance of converting their interest into sales.

A CRM solution also enables managers and CEOs to set KPIs for their sales team that can be tracked easily. Find out if your sales team is meeting their targets at the click of a button.

3. Establishing sales workflows

Increased productivity means a better bottom line. By establishing and automating your sales workflows using your CRM solution, you’ll soon see results. Using the automation features, you can nurture potential clients with email campaigns, send follow-up communication and move them through the sales funnel quickly. Reminders, notifications and even third-party app integrations smooth the way to streamlined sales workflows.

4. Glean insights and track trends

A CRM solution such as Sage CRM provides customisable dashboards that allow you to drill down into your business data and slice and dice that information quickly and easily. It’s important to see what sales were made and how, plus you can track the success of your marketing campaigns, and highlight tactics to repeat in future. You can also determine which products are selling well and track sales trends quickly.

5. Rapid sales follow-up

Knowing precisely where your potential customer is on the buyer’s journey is key to the success of a sale. Your CRM solution enables you to track your customer’s interactions with your website and marketing channels and help you nurture that lead, so when the timing is right, you’re able to close the deal.

6. Flexibility with easy access to your data

Your CRM solution should be accessible across any smart device, giving your sales team the flexibility they need to accurately capture client data while sitting face-to-face with the client, rather than scribbling down the info to capture later, which could result in valuable leads falling through the cracks. Sales team staff can then also generate customised quotes on the go, and access all the marketing information needed immediately, rather than having to send that communication when they are back in the office, saving time and money.

As a Sage Super Platinum Business Partner, Brilliant Link is a trusted implementation specialist. We can arrange for one of our consultants to demonstrate the Sage CRM solution at your premises – simply call 086 111 1025 or email admin@brilliantlink.co.za. Would you like to implement Sage CRM in your business and boost your sales? Call us today for a quote!

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