Sage Intelligence reporting provides automated financial and management reports using up to date and reliable data taken directly from your accounting or Enterprise Resource Planning package. Sage Intelligence reporting provides a single version of the truth in a pre-formatted Excel report (Excel-based).
With Sage reporting, you no longer have to spend hours manually exporting and customizing reports for your business. Cancel the risk of inaccuracies caused by the incorrect entry of formulas and data.
Speak to our Business Intelligence and Reporting Analytics consultants on 011 792 9521 for more advanced reporting capabilities using world-class BI tools. Get rid of the spreadsheets and manual excel based reporting and enjoy more digestible visualized data. Let us guide you for custom report utility and advice from advanced report writers.
Spend your time making sense of the information rather than spending hours or days compiling it. This will give you the confidence to make informed business decisions. You can easily drill down on your report for more information.
Customize your report to suit your business’s unique requirements using your existing Excel skills to edit the report accordingly and save the changes for future use. Simplify your business intelligence reporting.
Once you are satisfied with the report you created via Sage Intelligence reports, you can then share the report through email, upload it to an FTP site, or save it to a file in the format of your choice (Word, PDF, HTML) improving team collaboration.
At Brilliant Link, we have a dedicated BI team that is highly experienced in developing custom reports and dashboards for all your BI requirements enabling you to make informed decisions, with confidence. If you require a more advanced BI reporting solution, give us a call today on 011 792 9521. Choose bespoke dashboards and reports drawn from ERP data sources by professional report designers and consultants.
Enjoy the power of the Sage Reporting module, coupled with our experienced BI consultants’ bespoke business intelligence capabilities. Business intelligence reporting empowers you with insights and agility to respond to business trends with speed. Stay a step ahead of your competitors and discover the power of BI reporting.
Look no further in your quest to find a solution to support your decision-making. Learn more about our bespoke business intelligence reporting & cloud-based Power BI that draw data directly from your business management system. Let us help you with data visualization and simplify the way you analyze data. Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making with modern BI reporting tools.
Need help immediately? We guarantee fast responses and service excellence for all queries.
Contact us today for a quote, a demo or site analysis and we will implement the right solution in your business.
Physical Address
Unit 6, Boskruin View Office Park
Corner Ysterhout & Kelly Road
Boskruin, Randburg