Sage 200 Evolution

Sage Evolution Job Costing Module

What does the Sage Evolution Job Costing Module do?

The Sage Evolution Job Costing module enables you to invoice customers through job cards. What makes a job card more powerful is the fact that it has more options available during the invoicing process. Job costing helps streamline recurring processes as well as complex jobs that consist of many transactions.

It’s really simple to configure the defaults on your job cards. You have an array of options available to you. You can set a job to be processed as it’s being completed or once the entire job is finished.

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Processing Job Cards on Sage Evolution Job Costing Module

You can configure the job card to accept project numbers, sales rep details as well as external order numbers. Job costing enables you to automate the numbering of new job cards and track the work in progress per job card.

Reduce your manual processing workload by creating sophisticated job templates. Create job templates for the most popular types of jobs you do and copy them each time you need them.

Include accounts payable items onto your job cards such as supplier transactions like external contractors. The Job Costing module also allows for the inclusion of general ledger items such as overhead costs. You even have the ability to add percentage overhead to inventory items and supplier transactions automatically.

Specify your start and delivery dates, and projected completion dates. Invoice percentages of the job as well as issue summary and final invoices. Sage Job costing provides you with a host of printing options enabling you to print directly from the job card itself (this includes invoices generated). Empower your project managers with this powerful tool and increase productivity as you go about your daily business operations, no matter what products and services you offer.

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Why you should choose the Sage 200 Evolution Job Costing Module

Streamline your job processing workflow and enjoy the ability to pull module reports offering job card work in progress, as well and Profit and Loss (P&L) reports. For businesses that offer products and services, the Job Costing module simplifies workflows for your project managers.

The job costing module streamlines the creation of job cards, tracking actual and estimated costs, and hours worked on projects or jobs.

Simplify your workflow with this Job costing Module

Sage 200 Evolution

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