Sage 200 Evolution

 Sage 200 Evolution Lot Tracking Module

Choose the Sage 200 Evolution Lot Tracking module to simplify your manufacturing traceability requirements. Ensure that you have full visibility of your product’s shelf life and expiration dates.

What is a Lot in Inventory?

A batch of products that are manufactured or collected in a specified group and identified by a shared lot number. The items in a lot share attributes such as their date of production, production variation, or expiry date.

What is Lot Tracking?

Lot tracking, Lot traceability, or manufacturing traceability all mean the same thing. It is a system used to identify which supplier lots have been used for which finished product and who the finished products were delivered to. Ensure that you dispatch products with a trackable shelf life and expiration dates.

What is the importance of Lot Tracking?

The ability to track every piece of inventory that makes its way in and out of your warehouse is invaluable. With the right lot control system, you can safeguard your customer’s health, maintain your company’s reputation, and keep costs under control. You will avoid scenarios such as shipping out batches of expired products.

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Avoid costly recalls and shipping of expired goods with Sage Evolution Lot Tracking

Why you need Lot Control in your warehouse?

Picture this. It is 11 pm at night and one of the retailers that you supply calls saying that one of the packaged food products that you supplied them was already passed the expiry date when delivered. Luckily they were able to spot the specific batch and you will only need to recall that batch alone. Without a lot tracking system in place, scenarios such as these can be expensive. Both expense wise and also reputation-wise. Get in touch for more information on Sage 200 evolution Lot Tracking. Stay on top of tracking all that passes through your shop floor through specific lot and batch tracking data.

manufacturing traceability and lot tracking on sage 200 evolution

Why you should choose Sage 200 Evolution Lot Tracking

Sage Evolution Lot Tracking Module gives you greater control of your
inventory, helping you manage both the quality and sell-by dates of your stock.

Use lot tracking software to trace your inventory at any point on your production line. Ensure continuous improvement of your product quality standards and reduce product recalls. Give us a call on 011 792 9521 and we’d be glad to run you through the benefits of traceability systems in your unique business case and production process. Learn about the Sage 200 Evolution Inventory Management Software that allows you to easily track product availability and replenishment. Streamline your work orders today.

Read about the Sage Intacct Wholesale & Distribution edition that reduces human error in warehouse management.

Learn about Sage Manufacturing Traceability with Lot reports for discrete manufacturers.

Learn about Acumatica Manufacturing Software (Manufacturing Management)

Ready to try Sage 200 Evolution Lot Tracking?

Sage 200 Evolution

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Contact us today for a quote, a demo or site analysis and we will implement the right solution in your business.


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Unit 6, Boskruin View Office Park
Corner Ysterhout & Kelly Road
Boskruin, Randburg